Sunday, March 27, 2011


Workplace accidents occur for many different reasons.  Floors, walkways, and ground surfaces account for roughly 19 percent of all sources of injury or illness.  Make sure ground surfaces are clear of objects that someone could trip over and make sure they are not slippery.  Spilled liquids need to be cleaned up promptly to reduce slips and falls.  Remember that you are less likely to slip if you have proper treads on your footwear.  Also, slips and falls can result from carrying too much and you cannot see where you are walking.
Improper storage of supplies and merchandise can lead to accidents.  Cleaning materials, toner, and other toxic chemicals needs to be properly stored.  They should not be stored with supplies such as paper and pens.  Employees must be trained on how to store toxic chemicals so to limit exposure.  Electrical burns are also a common cause of workplace accidents. 
Workplace burns account for 20%-25% of all serious burns requiring hospital attention and they account for about 5% of all workplace deaths.  Make sure you are fully trained on how to use electrical equipment and that all electrical equipment has clearly displayed warnings on them to prevent electrical burns.  Thermal workplace burns result in skin burns and are caused by scalding from such things as grease and boiling water, open flames, and explosions.  Chemical burns result in a severe type of burn and can occur when skin or eyes come into contact with strong acids.  Remember to wear protective clothing and eye goggles to prevent this from happening.   
Car and truck accidents are the leading cause of work-related death.  If you drive for a living or use your vehicle during work hours to drive to meetings, remember not to multi-task while driving.  Do not use your cell phone while behind the wheel and, especially if it’s a long trip, stop and stretch every two hours or pull over and take a 20 minute nap.
You may think that workplace safety only needs to be addressed by companies that perform dangerous activities, such as mills, factories, and auto manufacturers.  Office jobs also pose threats to your safety due to your lack of movement since you find yourself sitting in one place for a long period of time.  You want to make sure your chair is at a proper height so you can reach your keyboard while maintaining good posture.  Also, if you have to stare at a computer monitor, you can develop problems with your vision.  It is important to have a thorough eye examination every year and refrain from sitting too close to the monitor.  You may also want to reduce the glare on your computer monitor and allow for breaks during your workday.  Cluttered work areas are also a way accidents can happen.  Sharp instruments such as letter openers or box cutters can be on a messy desk and you would not even know it until you already suffer an injury.


The recession may be over, but unemployment remains a problem for many people. Many businesses are still struggling to get back on their feet. In some areas, you can see empty office spaces where successful businesses once thrived. There are even businesses that opt to postpone reopening indefinitely, because there is little or no assurance of success in the industry. We definitely haven't seen the end of the recent economic recession's effects.
The recession affected society in such a way that many people found themselves looking for good-paying jobs. Vacancies on the job market exist, but not all jobs are reliable sources of steady income. What many people want is a real income-generating opportunity, whether in the form of employment or a start-up business.
However, why are there people who seem to be making big money despite the recession?
The answer is in SEO. Search engine optimization offered great opportunities for people who have been unemployed for a while. Although many Internet-based businesses closed down and never managed a comeback, the SEO industry remains strong. During the years of the recession, SEO became a means of survival for many people and businesses. Many chose to have their websites optimized not only to justify their existence but also to reach the multitudes of Internet users. Business owners hired SEO services because of SEO's capability to put a business on top. When the recession ended, the great results of SEO spread all over the Internet and through word of mouth, and SEO slowly became more popular than it ever was. The high demand for SEO services led to the success of SEO providers and resellers alike, translating into profit even as the economy suffered.
The business of being an SEO Reseller was born out of SEO popularity. SEO providers wanted their services to reach a more expansive market, so they hired field middlemen called resellers. A new brand of business was born, where companies focused on sole SEO reselling. And as competition became tighter, they competed through various SEO reseller plans, which came in different packages.
White Label SEO unlocks a door for the unemployed. SEO companies offered a program that allows people to join the business without a membership fee. Good SEO companies opened up this opportunity to deliver and share their success to others, so that more people can survive the economic problem and beat the rising unemployment rate.
The reason behind SEO's popularity
As a business, SEO caters to all niches. It is not limited to a certain target market, because it can adapt to the needs of almost all industries. All businesses can benefit from the SEO process, even SEO companies themselves. SEO exists to boost the success of a business, by getting the company noticed by millions of Internet users all over the world. Through the right techniques, SEO can turn these Internet users into consumers who will support a business' products and services.
Unemployment remains even if SEO and SEO Reselling are on the rise. Many still doubt the SEO industry, while some remain unaware about it. SEO is for everyone, but not for those who refuse to learn it wholeheartedly, those who doubt its capabilities, and those who consider it as a mere moneymaking scheme. The reason behind SEO's success in the midst of recession and economic difficulties is the passion and devotion of SEO providers and resellers.